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A talk about Manifestors by Pavaka at the HD Rave Festival 2024

Conscious vs Unconscious Manifestors

We each have two charts, the red and the black. The body (design) and the personality. Unconscious and Conscious (meaning that which is not available to the thought and that which is). We are a whole greater than our parts.

The Personality is what we think we think we are, it's how we see and experience ourselves, and it may be very different than what we are as a whole being. What we perceive may also be very different than what others experience of us, the way they see us.

What type is your black chart?
Do you "know" you are a Manifestor?
Or maybe you "think" you are a Projecter or Reflector?

In the retreat we will discuss the differences between being a conscious Manifestor or an unconscious, and understand how it affects our life, and what we can "do" about it.

Manifesting and Projected Channels

Manifestors by definition are a motor connected to the throat, with no Sacral in the way of the energy to manifest.

The motor can be Solar plexus, Ego heart, or Root. It can be one motor or more. They can be connected directly to the throat via one of the Manifesting channels (21\45, 22\12, 35\36), or be connected indirectly through other centers, via Projected channels.

The Ego can go through the G-center (21\25) to the throat, through the spleen (26\44) to the throat or even spleen to the G to the throat. The root can only be connected to the throat through the spleen (or spleen to G to throat). So it can be a long way for that manifestation energy!

What does it mean to have a direct connection, vs. a longer indirect one?
What happens when the energy moves through another center on its way?
What is it like to manifest through projected channels?

We'll discuss and investigate the different kinds of Manifestation to understand our energy better, relax deeper into who we are, accept, embrace and love our manifesting, just as it is.

Anger & peace

We call it "the NOT SELF theme", we all have to deal with it, but anger is an inherent part of our nature. It's no mistake.

Before any thought or psychology of relations, anger/rage, is a natural physical energetic occurrence of our mechanics - the reaction in our Aura to incorrectness, ours or others, which is in the end one and the same. Incorrect movement cuts off the yang 'designed to do' energy and interrupts silence, and anger arises. In that it is a significant signpost for us. But it's not only that.

Anger can be such a driving force, it can be a source of change - not only for us, but also for the people around us, because of our Impact. This makes us the ones setting the tone in a very different way than all the other Types. In the energetic hierarchy we are the ones at the top. Plain and simple.

We can't hide. We can't mask our Anger because the Aura carries the frequency. We are warriors. But through S&A we become warriors of love, warriors of SELF.

Out of working with anger and transforming it, peace is revealed; our signature. Signature is the basic energetic natural resonance, existing prior to anything else appearing as reality. It is our stamp, our energetic fingerprint, our real frequency. When we navigate life from a place of peace, from an Inner Authority place, unmoved, that's what we bring into the world.

In the retreat we will take a look at anger, its connection to inner authority and strategy, and understand how to work with it. We will talk about what peace is, how to connect to it, recognize and acknowledge it, how to live it.

The retreat is a perfect opportunity to give time and thought for this oh so important themes of ours. To ponder it together and experiment with it, at all time. To notice it, appreciate it, empower it!

A deep dive into Informing

Informing - what does it mean? How do you do it? Will it look the same for everyone? Why does it feel so awkward sometimes?

Informing is an art. It is the way we build the bridge across this closeness of ours, and it's not necessarily a natural thing for us. But it's our strategy, and it works.

Correct informing goes hand in hand with inspiration. It is actually initiation itself, our power going from a motor to the throat, expressing our inner form and manifesting as a new formation outside.

When we are anchored in the form, connected deeply to inner authority and to our spirit, informing becomes a beautiful process of inner knowing, and a whole new way of communicating in resonance to what we truly are as beings.

We manifest with words.

In the retreat we will dive deeply into the concept and truth of informing, and experiment with it together, until we OWN it in a deeper sense.


Manifestors naturally take up space. Our design makes it so that our words and actions have immediate impact on the people around us, thus putting us in a position of natural power to change things, to create movement.

But what kind of frequency do we put in to the space?

Are we here to be a role model for others? To universalize a new massage? To be a prophet to our people? A priestess? A guru? A teacher?

The role we have as energetic leaders in this sense, can be seen and understood through the lines in our profile. The archetype we play in this grand adventure called life is predesigned and predestined. It is woven together so beautifully with all the aspects of our form and spirit by the intelligence of our DNA, our Human Design.

Knowing our archetype, the profile, sheds light on the entire play.

Some of us, with right angle profiles are here to live out of a very personal journey and point of view. Some of us, the left angle ones, are here to experience a transpersonal journey. It's so different. Each is so important to the tapestry of humanity and life.

Knowing our right or left angle experience and owning it enables a deepening in surrendering, and expands our view of life and our role in it, so we can see and BE the initiator we are meant to be, the way we are meant it.

In this retreat we will experiment with the angles, lines and profile so we can really understand them and take it to the next level of LIVING IT.

Personal Authority - the beautiful differences in our Inner Authority

Even though we are all Manifestors here, living in the same type of energy field, Aura, we all navigate life very differently, according to centers, channels, circuity, profile and more.

The main difference between us, and the main sameness on the other hand, is inner authority. Emotional, Splenic or Ego - we each have a certain way of moving in the world, a distinct power to our manifesting, a special pace.

Inner authority comes before strategy for us Manifestors. It is the most important. We wait for the universe to push us, through our inner authority, that's the mechanics of correctness for us.

Understanding our inner authority is crucial. Connecting with it deeply is what brings peace to our lives. So in the retreat we will learn about the different authorities, discuss them, and investigate them together.

We will work in groups according to the different authorities, and experiment difference and sameness.


Circuitry is the flow of energy in our designed imprint. Every gate and channel in the chart belong to a certain circuit, with its specific characteristics and keynotes. The way we manifest life through the energetic blueprint of ours is so depended on this flow.

All Manifestors have a closed Aura. So we all deal with similar issues in relating, interaction, and love. We all have anger to deal with, lack of consistent life sustaining energy for the normal worldly elements of life - family, work, sexuality etc. We all feel a bit like aliens in this Generators world.

But we sense it and deal with it so differently according to the energy flow in our circuits.

Are we mainly tribal? Supporting and being supported by our people, sensitive to needs, loving touch, connected to family and its values…

Are we very collective? Sharing, caring for the community and its structures, living the patterns of logic and abstract, past and future…

Are we individual? All about empowerment and mutation, melancholic and moody, even anti-social at times, yet creative and full of passion…

In grasping our circuitry in relation to our Type, we come to see our main dilemmas. Out of that understanding, support and empowerment arise to make our flow our tool in life!

Investigating circuitry is fundamental, we are so curious to dive deeply into it in this retreat.